July 10, 2009 Update
I've been lost in the world of gallery ownership and PhD studies since my last post.
I intend to post once a week from now until my dissertation research is completed.
Here's my plate. Somehow it all connects like a web. Life is Good!
- This is a Sacred Place: An Eco-Art Project for the Global Community
Finally the TIASP project is getting underway....http://www.tiasp.org/ - Down to Earth Women for a Sustainable Future: An Art Based Co-0perative Inquiry.
A PhD candidate at Cailifornia Institute of Integral Studies CIIS
The Topic The Approach The Method - The Painted Door - A Gallery of Contemporary Aboringinal Art and Othe Unique Visions
421 2nd St, Petaluma, CA 94952 707-762-3296 info@the-painted-door.com