Wednesday, November 15, 2006


(ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other

The Art Room and Artists in Community are two ideas that have grown out of my dissertation proposal for a PhD in Transformative Learning and Change at California Institute of Integral Studies. I am just now sketching out this idea which I hope will evolve into a unique opportunity for our community to develop and share artistic vision. It is important to me that this vision is based in the practice of making art not in the idea of making art. In addition this vision is cooperative and communal in spirit.

The Art Room will be the center for a co-operative artist/research project which will have several outcomes. One is a dissertation due to be completed June 2009. The dissertation will include results from the research study both written and visual with the intention of contributing to the growing knowledge of Art Practice as Research and Transformative Learning Theories. The other is the development of a community art resource that can in part fill the need for access to creative space.

The Chookhouse Studio - Brisbane Australia

First we need a space for The Art Room. A dry warehouse space no smaller than 2000sq’ located in or near Petaluma would be rent free in exchange for improvements and a free space for community members both young and old to use for creative projects. I am personally committed to taking responsibility for facilitating the development of this art co-op. The intention is not to hold art classes but to provide a place where people can explore their creative process. I imagine a space that begins to collect materials, work tables, creative gatherings, and art objects. I imagine a place where we can inquire into the mysteries of both creative and community building processes.

Second we need a group of Artists in Community; others who would be interested in becoming co-facilitators and/or co-researchers. I imagine a core group of people who are committed to changing the perception of elitist art; to embody a concept of art as a way of knowing. As an artists/scholar I believe that by exploring and articulating an artistic way of knowing we may contribute to the transformation of our society; a transformation that will assist in creating a plausible, sane and, viable future.


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